Diet - tame the wolf to maximize energy
- Fat people avoid exercise
- Fat people eat sugar
- Fat people wolf their food.
I fasted for 3 days, once, when I was in junior college. On that 3rd day, I stopped being tired and hungry, and I felt full of energy.
What happened was my digestive system stopped drawing energy to digest because there was nothing left to digest. It was a eye-opening lesson in how much energy it takes to digest food. Eating slower means the food is chewed more thoroughly. It's the opposite of wolfing down your food. Unchewed food takes more energy, and stomach acid, to digest. I think it's the usual cause of sluggishness.
During 20013-14 when I lost weight, I experimented with chewing food until there was nothing left to chew. It takes quite a long time. Surprisingly, there is flavor in the tiniest of morsels left in the mouth during chewing. After a while I get bored with chewing and become easily distracted from what was on my plate. My food craving is satisfied with less food. Skinny people observe fat people as they wolf their food quickly down their gullets. It's a display of an instinctual urge. Skinny folk wonder why you wolf your food.
Another key to digestion is roughage. It takes less energy to push a stool through the intestine when it contains roughage. We eat food for energy, but if the digestive process requires too much energy, then we feel tired, and want to snack to overcome the tiredness. Eat slow instead of dieting. Just knock off the sugar (eat some roughage at every meal, too), and take a brisk 40 minute walk to start the day.
When they tell you that dieting is a matter of energy in - energy out, they are wrong. Predigestion is essential to avoid weakness during dieting. People who wolf their food eat too much, and their bodies allocate energy to digest the inadequately chewed food and unnecessary mass of food in ther stomachs and intestines. Losing weight is a 3 legged stool, and making digestion easier (using less calories to get the job done) is one leg. The other legs are regular exercize, and cutting out sugar and alcohol.