Reading Aloud and Listening to Audio Books

In the following article , the author discusses the lost art of reading aloud. Well, not 'lost' but 'diminishing'. I decided to read the Lord of the Rings trilogy aloud in order to increase my reading aloud skill. It worked. Not only is it easier now to read aloud, comprehension seems to be equal to that of reading silently. However, listening to books on tape or CD is a different thing altogether. Much more difficult. One has to be ready to rewind to re-listen because the mind sometimes wonders. It seems the very act of reading the words off a page helps the mind to focus, while pure listening sparks other avenues of thought. For an extra special treat, try listening to "The Code of the Woosters" as read by Jonathon Cecil. Cecil is the only reader of P.G. Wodehouse that I would recommend. The above link is this: April 16, 2011 - As a change of pace to reading aloud, here is ...