Calibrate your finger

Do you know how long your index finger is? When you don't have a ruler or measuring tape, you can measure lengths, widths, diameters, and thicknesses by using your index finger as a ruler. It's amazingly quick and surprisingly accurate. Look at your index finger with the palm of your hand open and facing towards you. It turns out that from your index fingertip to the first joint is about one inch. Measure between the first and second joint, from one crease in the skin, or line, to the next. Again, it's almost exactly one inch. It turns out that the finger is about 3 inches long. But you'll have to measure your own fingers to find out the precise measurement between each line on your finger. Discover where the lines on your finger are exactly at inch intervals. Why do this? It's extremley 'handy' to know these dimensions to be able to measure objects when you're in a hurry and you don't have a tape measure or ruler, for example,...